Monday, July 7, 2008

DeAnna Pappas Jason Mesnick Are A Couple On The Bachelorette Season Finale July 7?

The Bachelorette Deanna Pappas  pictureJesse Csincsak on the Bachelorette picture Deanna Pappas Jason Mesnick On The Bachelorette picture

July 7's The Bachelorette season finale is hours away from airing on ABC starting at 8pm. As earlier DeAnna Pappas, The Bachelorette, teased she already got engaged, many are keen to know who won The Bachelorette, Jason Mesnick or Jesse Csincsak. The official result must have to wait until the end of the show. But when scrutinizing the entertainment news online, we found Jason Mesnick seems to be a favorite winner. Like Thinkfashion, the website even listed three reasons why Jason may win:

    1. When DeAnna was on the Bachelor (remember when she got shafted by Brad Womack at the final rose ceremony?) she made it very clear that she wanted a man who was ready for commitment and someone who was in a stable position in their lives. Jesse is a professional snowboarder and, while that’s a very fun and spontaneous career path, it’s not one of stability and this may affect DeAnna’s final decision tonight.
    2. DeAnna loves the way Jason is with his son. Not only has DeAnna had a connection with Jason since the very beginning but she also had a connection with his son after meeting him on her and Jason’s hometown date. DeAnna wouldn’t have become so attached to his son if she didn’t plan on seeing him ever again – at least we hope she wouldn’t.
    3. Have you seen Jason – and have you seen Jesse (check out photos above)? DeAnna would be stupid not to pick Jason.

For us, no matter who will be picked by DeAnna Pappas, just hope them can have a happy life and never to get a split or divorce.

Update: DeAnna Pappas chose Jesse Csincsak to be her fiance! What a surprise!

DeAnna Pappas Jason Mesnick or Jesse Csincsak picture source:

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